
Outbreak v1.82 (c) 2001-2003 Jaibo Software. All rights reserved

Jaibo Software





The Story
Power-ups, Bonuses and Anti-Bonuses
Starting the game
How to play
Difficulty levels

Outbreak console commands
Cheat commands

High scores and Internet Table

High Scores table
Internet Table of the best scores
Sending your results to the Internet Table
Updating World Top 10 Table

Benefits of Registration
Purchasing Outbreak
If you already have a Registration code

System requirement
If the game runs too slowly
Other Jaibo Software games



Outbreak is a space shooter game similar to Galaxian/Galaga clones, this shooter features stunning 16-bit graphics, seven music themes and randomly generated pictures of space with more than 100 REAL space objects. There are four unique enemy races with 121 waves of ships, more than 50 different enemy ships and nine super bosses. Also Outbreak features advanced artificial intelligence, many power-ups and bonuses and 15 levels of weapon with primary and secondary modes of fire. You can save your game at any moment. Ship can be controlled with the mouse. Playing this game you can send your results to the Internet Table.

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The story

Here are the extracts from the diary of unknown scientist of the race Tekkos:
    ôI am the chief analyst in the scientific research center of the race Tekkos. There exist 4 races of living beings in our Galarion galaxy: Tekkos, Kzeos, Insoid and Protorion. Until the latest events they had lived in peaceà
    An unknown virus spread to the whole galaxy and infected most of the star systems. It causes insanity and unprecedented aggression. Because of this virus the conflicts between races burst out everywhere.
    Nowadays the war acquired global meaning. All living beings are on the break of self-destruction. This war is ruled by insanity, caused by the terrible virus which came out of nowhere.
    The only chance to survive is to destroy the source of the virus. According to our information, coordinates locate this source at 1543.9877.3001 on the edge of the galaxy. For this purpose we have built the handy ship ôBraveö which has the energetic shield prototype for neutralizing virus activity. The way lies through the whole galaxy where the insane hordes are ready to attack everyone. We can only wish the pilot good luck. Life of all races depends on him."

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Power-ups, Bonuses and Anti-Bonuses


- This object increases your shipÆs energy level. The more energy has your spaceship, the more it is powerful and the more destructive is its weapon. Energy points are given for every destroyed spaceship (1/10 of its initial energy level). The Energy objectÆs number shows the amount of energy it contains

- The bonus scores. Sometimes the bonus scores are given. The Bonus'es number shows the amount of scores it contains.

(all bonuses are given for 15 seconds):

  Increases the strength of your shipÆs weapon by 100%

  Increases your ship's shield by 100%

  Increases the velocity of your shells by 100%

  Increases the rate of fire of your weapons by 100%

  Makes your ship invisible for the enemy

  Allows to shoot simultaneously by primary and secondary weapons

(all anti-bonuses are given for 15 seconds):

  Decreases the strength of your shipÆs weapon by 100%

  Decreases your ship's shield by 100%

  Decreases the velocity of your shells by 100%

  Decreases the rate of fire of your weapons by 100%

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Starting the game

Click <New mission> in the main menu.
Change pilot name and choose difficulty level. Then click <Start>.

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How to play

The main task of the game is to destroy the source of the virus. In order to do it you should complete four unique races. Every race includes 30 levels and two bosses.
To play the next level you should destroy all enemy spaceships on the current level.

Every destroyed spaceship gives you 1/10 of its initial energy level. Sometimes the bonus scores or bonuses are also given. You should try to collect all energy, because it defines your life and weapon power points.
The more energy you have, the higher is your weapon level. There are 15 levels in total.
Every weapon level has its energy reserve, which is called power. The higher is the power of weapon, the higher is its rate of fire. When your power is at maximum, you receive the next weapon level. When your power is below zero you descend on the previous weapon level.
There are two modes of fire: primary and secondary.

You can move your spaceship around all the game field.

If your spaceship is damaged, you lose energy. When your spaceship collides with enemy one, you two lose five energy points.
The game is over when your energy level is at zero.

Information board (during the game):
Information board contains four indicators: Spaceship, Weapon, Radar and Info.

Spaceship indicator shows you the name of your spaceship, the name of pilot and amount of energy points of your spaceship.

Weapon indicator shows you your weapon level and the power of your weapon.

Radar indicator shows you information about the spaceship you hit last time.

Info indicator shows you the name of the zone you are in now, the number of wave and your score.

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Every button in the game has its hot key, which is highlighted with gray color.

General keys:

only during a game:

Ship controls:
You can control your spaceship with the mouse or with the keyboard (change type of control in the Options menu).
You can move your spaceship around all the game field.

Default keyboard controls:

Mouse controls:

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Score points are given for every destroyed spaceship. The more powerful is the spaceship, the more scores you receive.
Sometimes the bonus scores are also given (for more info see "Power-ups and Bonuses and Anti-Bonuses").
On easy difficulty level you receive twice less scores than on normal difficulty level.
On hard difficulty level you receive twice more scores than on normal difficulty level.

If your spaceship is damaged, you lose scores.

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Difficulty levels

There are 3 difficulty levels:

You can change difficulty level in the "New mission" screen.

When you play on easy difficulty level, enemy spaceships fire with half frequency and you receive twice less scores than on normal difficulty level.
When you play on hard difficulty level, enemy spaceships fire with double frequency and you receive twice more scores than on normal difficulty level.

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To open options menu, click <Options> in the main menu.

There are four Options sections: Sound, Video, Control, Game.

Sound section:

Video section:

Control section:

Game section:

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Outbreak console commands

To open Outbreak console press  <F12> or < ~>.
To close Outbreak console press <Esc> or <F12> or <~>.

General console commands:

Cheat console commands (available only in registered version):
Attention. Using cheat commands you will not enter to the High scores table !
Please use these cheat commands only during the game !

Every time you start the new game, all cheats are being removed.

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High Scores Table

To see the High Score tables, click <High Scores> in the main menu.

Click the button for the table you want to see: High Scores or World Top 10.

The High Scores table contains your top 10 results. The World Top 10 table contains the ten best results from the Internet Table.

To see full information about a particular result, click that result.

To update your copy of the World Top 10 table, click <Update>. To learn more about updating the World Top 10 table, see ôUpdating World Top 10 table

To send your results to the Internet Table, click <Send>. To learn more about sending results, see ôSending your results to the Internet tableö (This feature is available only in the registered version.)

To clear the table, click <Clear>.

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Internet Table of Best Scores

You can send your results to the Internet Table of best scores, located at http://www.jaibo.net/outbreak/top.htm
To send your results to the Internet Table, you must register your copy of Outbreak.

To learn more about sending results, see "Sending your results to the Internet table".
To learn more about updating the World Top 10 table, see "Updating World Top 10 table".

If you have any questions or notes about Outbreak Internet Table, please write at support@jaibo.net

Good luck pilot ! We hope you will be best pilot in the world !

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Sending your results to the Internet table

This feature is available only in the registered version of Outbreak.

To send your results to the Internet Table:

(1) In your Start MenuÆs Outbreak folder, click <Transfer Results>.


(1) Run Outbreak.
(2) In the main menu, click <High Scores>.
(3) In the High Scores window, click <Send>.

When the Transfer Results window appears:

(1) Click <Send>
(2) Fill in the small form
(3) Click <Send> again

Note: Before you send your results to the Internet Table, you must be connected to the Internet.

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Updating World Top 10 table

To update your copy of the World Top 10 table:

(1) In your Start MenuÆs Outbreak folder, click <Transfer Results>.


(1) Run Outbreak.
(2) In the main menu, click <High Scores>.
(3) In the High Scores window, click <World Top 10>.
(4) In the High Scores window, click <Update>.

When the Transfer Results window appears:

(1) Click <Update>

Note: Before you update your copy of the World Top 10 table, you must be connected to the Internet.

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Benefits of Registration

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Purchasing Outbreak

How to Register Outbreak
Outbreak is shareware; you must register to continue using it after 10-day trial period. Registration fee is only $18.95. Once registered, you remain a registered user for all future versions. Registered users automatically receive email news about new versions.

To register the game, order your personal registration code (below). You can then enter it in the gameÆs Registration Reminder screen, and the game becomes the full version. No additional download is required.

Secure Online Ordering
If you have Internet access, we recommend you place your order using Instant Secure Online Ordering. Use your credit card and receive your registration code immediately by email!

To place your order, visit this secure RegNow webpage:

Telephone orders
A $3 service charge is added to phone orders, for a total price of $21.95. Call (877) 353-7297 (USA and Canada; toll-free) or (425) 392-2294 (other countries; regular). Give the operator your name, email address, credit card information, etc. Before you call, see the Registration Form so you can have the required information ready.

Fax orders
A $2.50 service charge is added to fax orders, for a total price of $21.45. Fill in the Registration Form and fax it to (888) 353-7276 (USA and Canada; toll-free) or (425) 392-0223 (other countries; regular).

Ordering by check via Postal Mail
A $2.50 service charge is added to postal mail orders, for a total price of $21.45. Please make your check payable* to Register Now!. (Please include OutbreakÆs product ID, 3010-11, in the "memo" area of your check.). Send your check and your completed Registration Form to:

Register Now!
Dept 3010-11
PO Box 1816
Issaquah, WA USA 98027

*Checks must be drawn in US funds.

If you have any questions about registration, please contact Jaibo Software at support@jaibo.net
For further information, visit the Outbreak website at http://www.jaibo.net/outbreak/reg.htm

Thank you for support !

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If you already have your registration code

If you already have your registration code, start Outbreak and enter your code in the Registration Reminder screen.
When you have entered your code, the program becomes the full registered version. No additional download is required.

(1) Run Outbreak.

(2) In the main menu, click <Registration>.

(3) In the Registration Reminder screen, enter your registration code and click <Register>.

If you have any questions about registration, please contact Jaibo Software at support@jaibo.net

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System requirements

Recommended for optimum performance:

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If the game runs too slowly

In the Options menu, try these settings:

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Problem: Graphic elements arenÆt drawn correctly
Solution: This sometimes happens with older video adapters with 2 MB or less of video memory. Press F5 to refresh the game graphics.

Problem: Windows says ôa required .DLL file, ddraw.dll/dsound.dll/dinput.dll was not found.ö 
Solution: Make sure that DirectX 6.1 or higher is installed on your system. (You can find the latest version of DirectX at http://www.microsoft.com/directx)

Problem: Soundcard problems
Solution: Many older soundcards aren't fully DirectX-compatible. You can fix many problems by simply updating your soundcard drivers. Check the website of your soundcard manufacturer for the latest drivers.

If you still have problems, be sure your system has latest audio and video drivers.

About 90% of problems are caused by out-of-date drivers. If you donÆt know where to find current drivers, try www.download.com, www.microsoft.com, or www.driverguide.com.

If you have other problems, please contact Jaibo Software Support at support@jaibo.net or visit the Outbreak website at www.jaibo.net/outbreak

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This user license agreement (the AGREEMENT) is an agreement between you (individual or single entity) and Jaibo Software (JS), for the Outbreak software (the SOFTWARE) that is accompanying this AGREEMENT.
The SOFTWARE is the property of JS and is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties. The SOFTWARE is not sold, it is licensed.

The LICENSED VERSION means a Registered Shareware Version (using your personal registration number) or an original fully working version of the SOFTWARE. If you accepts the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT, you have certain rights and obligations as follow:
1. Install and use one copy of the SOFTWARE on a single computer.
2. Install a second copy of the SOFTWARE on a second computer only if you are the main user of this computer (home computer or laptop for example).
3. Install the SOFTWARE on another computer only if you change of main workstation. In such a case you must uninstall the software from the old computer.
4. Make a copy of the SOFTWARE for archival purposes only.
1. Copy and distribute the SOFTWARE or any portion of it.
2. Sublicense, rent, lease or transfer your personal registering number.
3. Sublicense, rent or lease the SOFTWARE or any portion of it.
4. Decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or modify the SOFTWARE or any portion of it.
5. Copy the documentation accompanying the SOFTWARE.

The UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION means an Original Shareware Version of the SOFTWARE that has not been registered by a registering number.
1. Install and use an unlimited number of copies the UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION for a trial period of 10 days.
1. Sublicense, rent or lease the UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION or any portion of it.
2. Decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or modify the UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION or any portion of it.
3. Copy the documentation accompanying the UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION.
4. Use the UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION after your trial period of 10 days.

You are hereby licensed to make as many copies of the UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION as you wish and distribute it to anyone provided that all files are intact. You must distribute the install form of the UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION (you must distribute the file OUTBREAK.EXE, not the files resulting of an installation). You are not allowed to sell the UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION (except for shipment and handling charges). Computer's Magazines are authorized to distribute it on any Cover Disk or CD-ROM without any permission. Please inform us by email info@jaibo.net each time you distribute the UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION.

The SOFTWARE is supplied "AS IS". JS disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The user must assume the entire risk of using the SOFTWARE.

JS assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of the SOFTWARE, even if JS has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Any liability of the seller will be limited to refund the purchase price.

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If you have any problems with Outbreak, don't hesitate to contact us at support@jaibo.net 

Jaibo Software Online
You can find lots of usefull information at http://www.jaibo.net  

Outbreak Online
You can find lots of usefull information and the latest Outbreak version at http://www.jaibo.net/outbreak

Outbreak Internet Table of Best Scores
You can find the Global Table of the top 50 Outbreak scores at http://www.jaibo.net/outbreak/top.htm

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Outbreak for Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP
(c) 2001-2003 Jaibo Software - All Rights Reserved.

Jaibo Software

Programming / Graphics / Design : Anton "Jaibo" Saburov

WARNING: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program in its licensed version, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. Your Registration Number is strictly Personal and is not transferable to anyone.

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Other Jaibo Software games

Animate TetBlox
Animate TetBlox is a Tetris-like game with the animated beautiful pictures of nature, you have never seen such a superb block game before. There are five game types such as Classic Tetris, Light Tetris, Pentix, Color Tetris etc. You can play with your friend in two-players game which includes three modes: cooperative, combat and race. This game features wonderful graphics, nice sound with entrancing birds singing, ear-pleasing music, many different blocks skins, three difficulty levels. Animate TetBlox supports keyboard and joystick, you can change keys sensitivity to you liking. Playing this game you can send your results to the Internet High Scores table.

For more information go at http://www.jaibo.net/atetblox
To download Animate TetBlox use this link: http://www.jaibo.net/atetblox/atetblox.exe

Alien Battlcraft:Arena
Build your own spaceship and destroy foes in the fierce battles, in this cool mix of Star Control fights and gameplay of Quake III Arena. There are more than 100 different components for building spaceships. This space shooter features five game modes such as DeathBattle, Team DeathBatlle, Fatal Battle etc., stunning graphics, 3D sound, high level of computer AI, two unique races, many powerups and bonuses, realistic space objects such as asteroids, planets and comets, randomly generated picture of space with real space photos, more than 40 different weapons. Playing this game you can send your results to the Internet Table.

For more information go at http://www.jaibo.net/abarena
To download Alien Battlecraft:Arena use this link: http://www.jaibo.net/abarena/abarena.exe

TetFun 2000: World Championship
TetFun 2000 is a very nice Tetris game. It also includes Pentix, a popular variation of Tetris that's more complicated, game with bombs and four modes of gaming (Classic, Timer, Rising and World Championship). By playing this game you can take part in the TetFun World Championship in the Internet ! There are many different block sets. TetFun 2000 has a very comfortable keyboard control. You can change key sensitivity and the background color can also be changed to you liking. You can save your game at any moment.

For more information go at http://www.jaibo.net/tetfun
To download TetFun 2000: World Championship use this link: http://www.jaibo.net/tetfun/tetfun.zip

A very nice tetris-like puzzle game in which you should eliminate blocks of one color. ColorFun features three modes of gaming, three difficulty levels, customizable number of blocks, game with bombs, beautiful 24bit graphics, jolly sounds and much more. There are many different block sets. ColorFun has a very comfortable keyboard control. You can change key sensitivity and the background color can also be changed to you liking. You can save your game at any moment. By playing this game you can send your results to the Internet Table!

For more information go at http://www.jaibo.net/colorfun
To download ColorFun use this link: http://www.jaibo.net/colorfun/colorfun.zip

PipeFun is an incredible puzzle game similar to PipeDream and Tetris in which you should connect pieces of pipe to each other. PipeFun features two unique types of game, three modes of game, three difficulty levels, customizable form of pieces. In a result there are more than 9 variations of game! There are demonstration mode. PipeFun also features beautiful 24bit graphics, jolly sounds and much more. There are eight different pipe sets. PipeFun has a very comfortable keyboard control. You can change key sensitivity and the background color can also be changed to you liking. You can save your game at any moment. By playing this game you can send your results to the Internet Table !

For more information go at http://www.jaibo.net/pipefun
To download PipeFun use this link: http://www.jaibo.net/pipefun/pipefun.zip

Astute Dibs
Astute Dibs is a very nice puzzle/logic game similar to Lines in which you should eliminate dibs of one color jumping over them. Astute Dibs features three difficulty levels, two different skins, beautiful 24bit graphics, jolly sounds and music. There is demonstration mode. You can save your game at any moment. Also you can record your game and then view recorded game.

For more information go at http://www.jaibo.net/adibs
To download Astute Dibs use this link: http://www.jaibo.net/adibs/adibs.exe

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